Getting Help With Your Website
Designing a website can be a lonely business for a scouter, especially when thing are not working. Searching the web is often very fruitful, but sometimes you need some help. I have found a forum for Scouts and Scouters that has been very useful: . The UK Scouting community seems in many ways to be far more developed, as it relates to scouting websites support and design. This community is useful, friendly and upholds the best traditions of the scouting brotherhood.
If you have a problem, you sign-up for an account, select the appropriate forum (very important) and post your request. The difference in time zones works to our favor. I usually post between 8-12pm and within 12-24 hours I usually have a response and often several. Many of the Scouters on this site are teens and twenty somethings and are dedicated to scouting and to site design.
I have not found it to be a problem, but you should remember Winston Churchill's quote "We (US & UK) are two peoples seperated by a common language.
--Happy Scouting
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