Software for Scouting Websites
About four years ago, I started the Boy Scout training course called Woodbadge. In order to complete the eighteen month course, I had to complete five projects. One of the projects (called ticket items), was to develop a guide for scouters to develop scouting unit websites. The ticket item resulted in a website I have been collecting and writing papers to help with the various topics of creating and publishing a scouting website. The site includes graphics, templates, guidance and other resources. The site is non-profit and it has become a passion.
I am now looking to expand the eScouting dot net site dramatically, more tools and information. I am looking for individuals to contribute to the site. I need individual who have designed scouting websites or individuals who would be willing to write about their experiences with various webiste design software.
If you are interested, or know someone who is please respond to this posting.
Happy Scouting
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